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First Church has many different ministries and opportunities for people to get involved while making a difference in our community.  We have programs and services catered towards people of all ages and races.  We believe that ministry is not only inside the building but also outside the building in the streets, community, and neighborhoods. In Luke 14:23, the Lord tells us to "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."  We believe that you just can't build a ministry inside the building but full ministry includes the inside and outside.  If you are interested in helping us with one of our programs, please feel free to contact us or click the link to get more involved in the community.    

Kids in Preschool
Kid's Ministry

First Church Children’s Ministry gives children of all ages the opportunity to worship God in their own unique way. Our ministry creates an age-appropriate worship environment where children can LEARN about God’s Word, REFLECT on the life of Jesus Christ, and EXPERIENCE God’s abundant life through the Holy Spirit. Your child will experience the truth about God in a child-friendly way. It is never too early for a child to learn the Word of God. The earlier that children begin to apply the teachings of God to their daily lives, the more in touch they are with their faith on a daily basis, and into their adulthood. We teach God’s character and principles through His Word and the example of Jesus Christ. We use praise and worship, arts and crafts, fellowship time and an interactive Bible classes to ensure God’s objectives are reached.

Outreach Ministry

First Church believes that ministry is not just limited to the church building but it greatly includes outreach in the marketplace and community.  In Luke 14:23, Jesus states "And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled." We have many outreach programs that give people an opportunity to participate in building up our community and impacting the lives of people.  Some of our outreach programs include Citizens For Progress, Lee Crossley Veteran Housing Program, Annual Blanket Drive for the Homeless, Motivational Speaking and Mentorship for At-Risk Teenagers, etc.

College Friends
Women's Ministry

First Church Women's Ministry develops and promotes programs and services that enhance, encourage, empower, enlighten, rejuvenate, and educate the total woman. The programs uplift women – and men as well – spiritually, physically, and mentally.  Each year, the ladies of First Church enjoy an powerful event called the WOW (Women of Worship) that empowers and encourages both women and men. The women of First Church are also very active in the community and often volunteer for our outreach programs and non-profit organization events and programs.  

Chuch Choir
College/Youth Ministry

First Church College/Youth Ministry gives our youth an opportunity to worship and experience God in their own unique way.  We provide them with an opportunity to participate in our College and Youth ministry with outreach, programs, and worship services at our local college and university.  We strive to empower and edify our young people during their transition from teenagers to young adults. This area of ministry is very important to prepare our young people for everything they will experience in the world.

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Discipleship Classes

At First Church, we believe that the church should always strive to develop and empower all believers for discipleship.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:19-20 to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” We offer many different classes that teach the people how to let God use them for discipleship which ultimately impacts many people in the world.  In addition, we also collaborate with the Institute for Teaching God's Word to help offer people an opportunity to receive a biblical degree or credits.

Volunteer Groups

First Church offers everyone many opportunities to participate and help out with various community outreach, non-profit, and volunteer programs.  We strive to empower people by utilizing their gifts, passion, compassion, and skills to make an impact in the community.  We often collaborate with Citizens For Progress, Keep Temple Beautiful, City of Temple, Lee Crossley Veteran Housing Community, NAACP, LULAC, and etc. for different opportunities to serve our community with volunteer work.

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